by Meg Tenny, MS, LCMFT

Finally, spring has arrived! The weather is getting warmer and we are coming out of the winter’s hibernation. Just as we clean out our closets to start the season off right, don’t neglect to do some spring cleaning in your relationship. Here are some suggestions to dust those cobwebs out of your marriage:

1. Dust Off Grievances: Have you been sitting on resentments with your partner and not talking about them? It is time to clear the air. Sit down and air your grievances with your partner. Communicate your feelings with them in a non-blaming way and expressly for the purpose of moving forward with them in a positive direction.

2. Shine Up Your Optimism: Have you been taking your partner for granted? Has winter made you complacent and sluggish? Spring is a time for fresh beginnings. Cast aside your doubts and negative thoughts about the relationship and infuse some positivity into your interactions with your spouse. Give them the benefit of the doubt and show them that you value their input by listening respectfully.

3. Organize A Deep Cleaning: Re-evaluate your overall relationship. In what areas is your relationship thriving and where does it still need some work? How do areas of your physical and emotional intimacy, quality time together, trust, sense of teamwork, and communication fare when you take a closer look? Check in with your spouse about their perspective on the relationship. Be honest with yourself:  Have you been making heartfelt efforts? Set some concrete, immediate goals together to address areas in which you would like to improve.